
Kickstart your video creation with customisable video templates. Adjust anything you want: text, colours, images, footage, music, or even create your own templates.

What are Moovly templates

The Moovly video editor allows you to make video templates by enabling assets/text as template properties. This video explains in detail how you can do this, how to work with existing templates and how to use variable video length.

Google Sheets / Microsoft Excel Online

populate a template with sheet data

We currently support two build in solutions to populate your templates with sheet data: Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel online

How it works

Google Sheets

*Please note the Import Google Sheets feature is only available for Pro, Max and Enterprise users.

With the following steps you will learn how to easily turn your Google Sheets into Moovly Videos

How it works

Microsoft Excel

Before you start you need to create a Microsoft Excel document that has all the text data in it that needs to be inserted automatically into the video(s). Moovly will then generate a video for each row.


Template automation

You can create video's via our integrations with google sheet or microsoft excel

Learn more
Use Case

See how Bottimo used this integration

Read our use case from Bottimo that uses the google sheet template integration
